
2024-01-19 21

1. Introduction



Risk management principles are effectively utilized in many areas of business and government including finance, insurance, occupational safety, public health, pharmacovigilance, and by agencies regulating these industries. Although there are some examples of the use of quality risk management in the pharmaceutical industry today, they are limited and do not represent the full contributions that risk management has to offer. In addition, the importance of quality systems has been recognized in the pharmaceutical industry and it is becoming evident that quality risk management is a valuable component of an effective quality system.


It is commonly understood that risk is defined as the combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm. However, achieving a shared understanding of the application of risk management among diverse stakeholders is difficult because each stakeholder might perceive different potential harms, place a different probability on each harm occurring and attribute different severities to each harm. In relation to pharmaceuticals, although there are a variety of stakeholders, including patients and medical practitioners as well as government and industry, the protection of the patient by managing the risk to quality should be considered of prime importance.


The manufacturing and use of a drug (medicinal) product, including its components, necessarily entail some degree of risk. The risk to its quality is just one component of the overall risk. It is important to understand that product quality should be maintained throughout the product lifecycle such that the attributes that are important to the quality of the drug (medicinal) product remain consistent with those used in the clinical studies. An effective quality risk management approach can further ensure the high quality of the drug (medicinal) product to the patient by providing a proactive means to identify and control potential quality issues during development and manufacturing. Additionally, use of quality risk management can improve the decision making if a quality problem arises. Effective quality risk management can facilitate better and more informed decisions, can provide regulators with greater assurance of a company’s ability to deal with potential risks and can beneficially affect the extent and level of direct regulatory oversight.


The purpose of this document is to offer a systematic approach to quality risk management. It serves as a foundation or resource document that is independent of, yet supports, other ICH Quality documents and complements existing quality practices, requirements, standards, and guidelines within the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory environment. It specifically provides guidance on the principles and some of the tools of quality risk management that can enable more effective and consistent risk based decisions, both by regulators and industry, regarding the quality of drug substances and drug (medicinal) products across the product lifecycle. It is not intended to create any new expectations beyond the current regulatory requirements.

本文件的目的是提供一个质量风险管理的综合方法。其作为一个基础的或资源性的文件,其独立并支撑其它的ICH 质量文件,并对现有的质量实践、要求、标准以及制药行业指南与药政环境进行补充。其将明确提供质量风险管理的原理,以及一些工具,其可以确保在药政部门和业界在考虑到贯穿在整个产品生命周期的原料药和药物(医疗)产品质量时,做出更有效与更一致的基于风险的决策。其并未试图建立任何超越当前管理要求的新的要求。

It is neither always appropriate nor always necessary to use a formal risk management process (using recognized tools and/ or internal procedures e.g., standard operating procedures). The use of informal risk management processes (using empirical tools and/ or internal procedures) can also be considered acceptable. Appropriate use of quality risk management can facilitate but does not obviate industry’s obligation to comply with regulatory requirements and does not replace appropriate communications between industry and regulators.


2. Scope



This guideline provides principles and examples of tools for quality risk management that can be applied to different aspects of pharmaceutical quality. These aspects include development, manufacturing, distribution, and the inspection and submission/review processes throughout the lifecycle of drug substances, drug (medicinal) products, biological and biotechnological products (including the use of raw materials, solvents, excipients, packaging and labeling materials in drug (medicinal) products, biological and biotechnological products).

本指南给出了质量风险管理的原理以及一些工具的例子,其可以应用于药品质量的不同方面。这些方面包括开发、制造、分销以及原料药、药物(医疗)产品、生物和生物技术产品(包括在药物(医疗)产品、生物和生物技术产品中使用到的原料、溶剂、赋形剂、包装和标签材料) 整个生命周期的检查和注册/评审过程。

3. Principles of quality risk management

3. 质量风险管理的原则


Two primary principles of quality risk management are:
• The evaluation of the risk to quality should be based on scientific knowledge and ultimately link to the protection of the patient.(Note: Risk to quality includes situations where product availability may be impacted, leading to potential patient harm.)
• The level of effort, formality and documentation of the quality risk management process should be commensurate with the level of risk.

  • 质量风险的评价应当基于科学知识,最终目的是保护患者(注:质量风险包括产品可及性可能受到影响,导致潜在患者伤害的情况); 
  • 质量风险管理实施过程的深度、正式程度和文件化程度都应当与风险水平相适应。

4. General quality risk management process



Quality risk management is a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the drug (medicinal) product across the product lifecycle. A model for quality risk management is outlined in the diagram (Figure 1). Other models could be used. The emphasis on each component of the framework might differ from case to case but a robust process will incorporate consideration of all the elements at a level of detail that is commensurate with the specific risk.

Figure 1. Overview of a typical quality risk management process

Decision nodes are not shown in the diagram above because decisions can occur at any point in the process. These decisions might be to return to the previous step and seek further information, to adjust the risk models or even to terminate the risk management process based upon information that supports such a decision. Note: “unacceptable” in the flowchart does not only refer to statutory, legislative or regulatory requirements, but also to the need to revisit the risk assessment process.


4.1. Responsibilities



Quality risk management activities are usually, but not always, undertaken by interdisciplinary teams. When teams are formed, they should include experts from the appropriate areas (e.g., quality unit, business development, engineering, regulatory affairs, production operations, sales and marketing, legal, statistics and clinical) in addition to individuals who are knowledgeable about the quality risk management process.


Decision makers should
• take responsibility for coordinating quality risk management across various functions and departments of their organization;
• assure that a quality risk management process is defined, deployed and reviewed and that adequate resources are available;
• assure that subjectivity in quality risk management activities is managed and minimized, to facilitate scientifically robust risk-based decision-making.

  • 负责协调组织内各职能部门的质量风险管理; 
  • 确保质量风险管理流程已经制定、实施与回顾,并配置有足够的资源和知识用。 
  • 确保质量风险管理活动的主观性得到管理并最大程度地降低,以促进基于风的决策更加科学稳健。

4.2. Initiating a quality risk management process



Quality risk management should include systematic processes designed to coordinate, facilitate and improve science-based decision making with respect to risk. Possible steps used to initiate and plan a quality risk management process might include the following:
• Define the problem and/or risk question, including pertinent assumptions identifying the potential for risk;
• Assemble background information and/ or data on the potential hazard, harm or human health impact relevant to the risk assessment;
• Identify a leader and necessary resources;
• Specify a timeline, deliverables and appropriate level of decision making for the risk management process.

  • 明确问题和/或风险疑问,包括识别潜在风险的相关假设; 
  • 收集与风险评估相关的潜在危害源、危害或影响人类健康的背景信息和/或数据; 
  • 确定负责人和必要的资源; 
  • 规定风险管理流程的时限、交付成果和适当的决策层级。

4.3. Risk assessment



Risk assessment consists of the identification of hazards and the analysis and evaluation of risks associated with exposure to those hazards (as defined below). Quality risk assessments begin with a well-defined problem description or risk question. When the risk in question is well defined, an appropriate risk management tool (see examples in section 5) and the types of information needed to address the risk question will be more readily identifiable. As an aid to clearly defining the risk(s) for risk assessment purposes, three fundamental questions are often helpful:
[1] What might go wrong?
[2] What is the likelihood (probability) it will go wrong?
[3] What are the consequences (severity)?

风险评估:其包括辨识危险因素与暴露在这些危险因素(定义于后)相关风险的分析和评估。质量风险评估开始于一个明确的问题或风险问题。当被讨论的风险被明确定义后,则将会很容易确定适当的风险管理工具(见第5 节中的例子)和需要用于风险问题说明的资料类型。在风险评估时,作为明确定义风险的辅助工具,通常如下这三个基本问题是非常有用的:
  1. 什么可能出错? 
  2. 出错的可能有多大(可能性)? 
  3. 后果是什么(严重性)?

Risk identification is a systematic use of information to identify hazards referring to the risk question or problem description. Information can include historical data, theoretical analysis, informed opinions, and the concerns of stakeholders. Risk identification addresses the “What might go wrong?” question, including identifying the possible consequences. This provides the basis for further steps in the quality risk management process.


Risk analysis is the estimation of the risk associated with the identified hazards. It is the qualitative or quantitative process of linking the likelihood of occurrence and severity of harms. In some risk management tools, the ability to detect the harm (detectability) also factors in the estimation of risk.


Risk evaluation compares the identified and analyzed risk against given risk criteria. Risk evaluations consider the strength of evidence for all three of the fundamental questions.


In doing an effective risk assessment, the robustness of the data set is important because it determines the quality of the output. Revealing assumptions and reasonable sources of uncertainty will enhance confidence in this output and/or help identify its limitations. Uncertainty is due to combination of incomplete knowledge about a process and its expected or unexpected variability. Typical sources of uncertainty include gaps in knowledge gaps in pharmaceutical science and process understanding, sources of harm (e.g., failure modes of a process, sources of variability), and probability of detection of problems.


The output of a risk assessment is either a quantitative estimate of risk or a qualitative description of a range of risk. When risk is expressed quantitatively, a numerical probability is used. Alternatively, risk can be expressed using qualitative descriptors, such as “high”, “medium”, or “low”, which should be defined in as much detail as possible. Sometimes a "risk score" is used to further define descriptors in risk ranking. In quantitative risk assessments, a risk estimate provides the likelihood of a specific consequence, given a set of risk-generating circumstances. Thus, quantitative risk estimation is useful for one particular consequence at a time. Alternatively, some risk management tools use a relative risk measure to combine multiple levels of severity and probability into an overall estimate of relative risk. The intermediate steps within a scoring process can sometimes employ quantitative risk estimation.


4.4. Risk control



Risk control includes decision making to reduce and/or accept risks. The purpose of risk control is to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. The amount of effort used for risk control should be proportional to the significance of the risk. Decision makers might use different processes, including benefit-cost analysis, for understanding the optimal level of risk control.


Risk control might focus on the following questions:
• Is the risk above an acceptable level?
• What can be done to reduce or eliminate risks?
• What is the appropriate balance among benefits, risks and resources?
• Are new risks introduced as a result of the identified risks being controlled?

  • 风险是否高于可接受水平? 
  • 什么措施可以用来降低或消除风险? 
  • 什么是利益、风险和资源间合适的平衡点? 
  • 控制所识别风险时是否会引入新的风险?

Risk reduction focuses on processes for mitigation or avoidance of quality risk when it exceeds a specified (acceptable) level (see Fig. 1). Risk reduction might include actions taken to mitigate the severity and probability of harm. Processes that improve the detectability of hazards and quality risks might also be used as part of a risk control strategy. The implementation of risk reduction measures can introduce new risks into the system or increase the significance of other existing risks. Hence, it might be appropriate to revisit the risk assessment to identify and evaluate any possible change in risk after implementing a risk reduction process.


Risk acceptance is a decision to accept risk. Risk acceptance can be a formal decision to accept the residual risk or it can be a passive decision in which residual risks are not specified. For some types of harms, even the best quality risk management practices might not entirely eliminate risk. In these circumstances, it might be agreed that an appropriate quality risk management strategy has been applied and that quality risk is reduced to a specified (acceptable) level. This (specified) acceptable level will depend on many parameters and should be decided on a case-by-case basis.


4.5. Risk communication



Risk communication is the sharing of information about risk and risk management between the decision makers and others. Parties can communicate at any stage of the risk management process (see Fig. 1: dashed arrows). The output/result of the quality risk management process should be appropriately communicated and documented (see Fig. 1: solid arrows). Communications might include those among interested parties; e.g., regulators and industry, industry and the patient, within a company, industry or regulatory authority, etc. The included information might relate to the existence, nature, form, probability, severity, acceptability, control, treatment, detectability or other aspects of risks to quality. Communication need not be carried out for each and every risk acceptance. Between the industry and regulatory authorities, communication concerning quality risk management decisions might be effected through existing channels as specified in regulations and guidances.

风险沟通:是在决策者和其它人员之间分享有关风险和风险管理的信息。各方之间可以在任何风险管理过程阶段进行沟通(见图1 的点划线箭头)。质量风险管理过程的输出/结果应当进行适当的沟通和存档(见图1 的实线箭头)。沟通有可能包括这些相关方,例如,药政与业界、业界与患者、在一个公司、业界或药政当局内部等。所包括的信息应该与质量风险的存在性、性质、形式、概率、严重性、可接受性、控制、处理、可检测性或其它有关方面。沟通不需要对每个风险接受都进行。如果在业界和药政当局之间,就可能受影响进行质量风险管理决策沟通,则这些沟通可能通过现有的规章或指南中所说明的渠道来进行。

4.6. Risk review



Risk management should be an ongoing part of the quality management process. A mechanism to review or monitor events should be implemented.


The output/results of the risk management process should be reviewed to take into account new knowledge and experience. Once a quality risk management process has been initiated, that process should continue to be utilized for events that might impact the original quality risk management decision, whether these events are planned (e.g., results of product review, inspections, audits, change control) or unplanned (e.g., root cause from failure investigations, recall). The frequency of any review should be based upon the level of risk. Risk review might include reconsideration of risk acceptance decisions (section 4.4).

对风险管理过程输出/结果进行评审应当考虑采用新的知识和经验。一旦开始了某个质量风险管理过程,则该过程应该一直应用于可能影响初始质量风险管理决策的事件,而不管那些事件是已被计划的(如产品评审、检查、审计、变更控制结果)或未计划的(如从失败调查的根本原因、检查、召回)。评审频率应该取决于风险水平。风险评审可能包括对风险接受决策重新考虑(4.4 节)。

5. Risk management methodology



Quality risk management supports a scientific and practical approach to decision-making. It provides documented, transparent and reproducible methods to accomplish steps of the quality risk management process based on current knowledge about assessing the probability, severity and sometimes detectability of the risk.


Traditionally, risks to quality have been assessed and managed in a variety of informal ways (empirical and/ or internal procedures) based on, for example, compilation of observations, trends and other information. Such approaches continue to provide useful information that might support topics such as handling of complaints, quality defects, deviations and allocation of resources.


Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry and regulators can assess and manage risk using recognized risk management tools and/ or internal procedures (e.g., standard operating procedures). Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of these tools (further details in Annex 1 and chapter 8):
•Basic risk management facilitation methods
(flowcharts, check sheets etc.);
•Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA);
• Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA);
•Fault Tree Analysis (FTA);
• Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP);
•Hazard Operability Analysis (HAZOP);
•Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA);
•Risk ranking and filtering;
• Supporting statistical tools.

此外,制药业界与药政可以使用公认的风险管理工具,和/或,内部程序(例如,标准操作程序)来评估和管理风险。以下并非是这些工具的一个详尽的列表(详细在附件1 和第8 章):
  • 基本风险管理引导方法(流程图,检查表等); 
  • 失效模式与影响分析(FMEA); 
  • 失效模式、影响与关键性分析(FMECA); 
  • 故障树分析(FTA); 
  • 危害源分析及关键控制点(HACCP); 
  • 危害源及可操作性分析(HAZOP); 
  • 初步危害源分析(PHA); 
  • 风险排序及筛选; 
  • 支持性统计工具。

It might be appropriate to adapt these tools for use in specific areas pertaining to drug substance and drug (medicinal) product quality. Quality risk management methods and the supporting statistical tools can be used in combination (e.g., Probabilistic Risk Assessment). Combined use provides flexibility that can facilitate the application of quality risk management principles.


The degree of rigor and formality of quality risk management should reflect available knowledge and be commensurate with the complexity and/ or criticality of the issue to be addressed.


5.1 Formality in Quality Risk Management

5.1 质量风险管理的正式性 


Formality in quality risk management is not a binary concept (i.e. formal/informal); varying degrees of formality may be applied during quality risk management activities, including when making risk-based decisions. In this way, formality can be considered a continuum (or spectrum), ranging from low to high.

基于风险的决策是所有质量风险管理活动中固有的,它为组织中的决策者提供了必要的 基础。有效的基于风险的决策始于对质量风险管理过程实施的深度、正式程度和文件化程度 的确定。质量风险管理活动所作的决策包括存在哪些危害源、与这些危害源相关的风险、所需的风险控制、风险控制后残留风险的可接受性、质量风险管理活动和输出的沟通和回顾。 

When determining how much formality to apply to a given quality risk management activity, certain factors may be considered. These may include, for example, the following:


• Uncertainty: The term “uncertainty” in quality risk management means lack of knowledge about hazards, harms and, consequently, their associated risks. The level of uncertainty that is associated with the area being risk assessed informs how much formality may be required to manage potential risks. Systematic approaches for acquiring, analysing, storing and disseminating scientific information are essential for generating knowledge, which in turn informs all quality risk management activities. Uncertainty may be reduced via effective knowledge management, which enables accumulated and new information (both internal and external) to be used to support risk-based decisions throughout the product lifecycle.

  • 不确定性:质量风险管理中的“不确定性”意味着对相关危害源、危害、及其所致风险 了解较少。风险评估范围相关的不确定性水平显示了管理潜在风险可能需要的正式程度的高低。系统地获取、分析、储存和传播科学信息的方法对于产生知识至关重要,而知识反过来又为所有质量风险管理活动提供信息。通过有效的知识管理,可以减少不确定性,从而在整个产品生命周期中使用积累的和新的信息(内部和外部)来支持基于风险的决策。 

• Importance: The more important a risk-based decision may be in relation to product quality, the higher the level of formality that should be applied, and the greater the need to reduce the level of uncertainty associated with it.

  • 重要性:基于风险的决策对产品质量越重要,采用的正式程度应越高,就更需要减少与其相关的不确定性水平。 

• Complexity: The more complex a process or subject area is to a quality risk management activity, the higher the level of formality that should be applied to assure product quality

  • 复杂性:为确保产品质量,质量风险管理活动的过程或专业领域越复杂,,应采用的正式程度就越高。 

Higher levels of uncertainty, importance or complexity may require more formal quality risk management approaches to manage potential risks and to support effective risk-based decision making


The overall approach for determining how much formality to apply during quality risk management activities should be described within the quality system. Resource constraints should not be used to justify the use of lower levels of formality in the quality risk management process. Risk scores, ratings and assessments should be based on an appropriate use of evidence, science and knowledge. Regardless of how much formality is applied, the robust management of risk is the goal of the process


The following may be characteristics of higher levels of formality:
• All parts of the quality risk management process (risk assessment, risk control, risk review and risk communication) are explicitly performed, and stand-alone quality risk management reports or related documents which address all aspects of the process may be generated and are documented (e.g., within the quality system).
• Quality risk management tools, including those shown in Annex 1, are used in some or all parts of the process.
• A cross-functional team is assembled for the quality risk management activity.
• Use of a facilitator, with experience and knowledge of the quality risk management process, may be integral to a higher formality process.

  • 明确执行质量风险管理过程的所有步骤(风险评估、风险控制、风险回顾和风险沟 通),可形成独立的质量风险管理报告或相关文件,将过程中所有相关活动予以书面记录 (例如,在质量体系内)。 
  • 在过程的某些或所有部分使用质量风险管理工具,包括附录 1 中所示工具。 
  • 为质量风险管理活动组建一个跨部门的团队。 
  • 使用具有质量风险管理流程方面的经验和知识的引导者可能是较高正式程度的流程所不可或缺的。

The following may be characteristics of lower levels of formality:
• One or more parts of the quality risk management process are not performed as standalone activities but are addressed within other elements of the quality system which may have risk assessment and risk control activities embedded within them.
• Quality risk management tools might not be used in some or all parts of the process.
• A cross-functional team might not be necessary.
• Stand-alone quality risk management reports might not be generated. The outcome of the quality risk management process is usually documented in the relevant parts of the quality system.

  • 一个或多个部分的质量风险管理过程不是作为独立活动执行的,而是在质量体系的其他要素中处理的,可能包含风险评估和风险控制活动。 
  • 质量风险管理工具可能不会在质量风险管理的某些或全部流程中使用。 
  • 可能不需要跨部门团队。 
  • 质量风险管理过程的结果通常记录在质量体系的相关部分中,可能不会生成独立的质 量风险管理报告。 

Note: As indicated above, degrees of formality between the above higher and lower levels also exist and may be used. 


5.2 Risk-Based Decision-Making

5.2 基于风险的决策


Risk-based decision-making is inherent in all quality risk management activities; it provides an essential foundation for decision makers in an organization. Effective risk-based decisionmaking begins with determining the level of effort, formality and documentation that should be applied during the quality risk management process. The decisions made from quality risk management activities include those in relation to what hazards exist, the risks associated with those hazards, the risk controls required, the acceptability of the residual risk after risk controls, and also the communication and review of quality risk management activities and outputs.

基于风险的决策是所有质量风险管理活动中固有的,它为组织中的决策者提供了必要的 基础。有效的基于风险的决策始于对质量风险管理过程实施的深度、正式程度和文件化程度 的确定。质量风险管理活动所作的决策包括存在哪些危害源、与这些危害源相关的风险、所需的风险控制、风险控制后残留风险的可接受性、质量风险管理活动和输出的沟通和回顾。 

As all decision-making relies on the use of knowledge, see ICH Q10 for guidance in relation to knowledge management. It is important also to ensure the integrity of the data that are used for risk-based decision-making.

由于所有决策都依靠于知识的使用,请参见 ICH Q10 以获取有关知识管理的指导。确保用于基于风险的决策的数据可靠性也很重要。
Approaches to risk-based decision-making: 

There are different processes that may be used to make risk-based decisions; these are directly related to the level of formality that is applied during the quality risk management process. (See Section 5.1 above for guidance on what constitutes formality in quality risk management.)

做出基于风险的决策的可以用不同的流程,这些与质量风险管理过程中采用的正式程度 直接相关。(关于质量风险管理正式程度的构成,请参见上文第 5.1 节。)

Higher levels of formality in quality risk management may require higher levels of structure in relation to risk-based decision-making. There can be varying degrees of structure with regard to approaches for risk-based decision-making. These degrees of structure can be considered to be on a continuum (or spectrum). Below are descriptions of highly structured vs. less structured processes, and for rule-based processes when making risk-based decisions:

一般来说,质量 风险管理中较高的正式程度可能要求较高的基于风险的决策结构。基于风险的决策方法可能 存在多种程度的结构。这些程度的结构可以被认为是一个连续体(或范围)。以下是对高度结构化流程与较低结构化流程,以及在做出基于风险的决策时基于规则的流程的描述: 

• Some risk-based decision-making processes are highly structured and can involve a formal analysis of the available options that exist before making a decision. They involve an indepth consideration of relevant factors associated with the available options. Such processes might be used when there is a high degree of importance associated with the decision, and when the level of uncertainty and/or complexity is high.

  • 一些基于风险的决策过程是高度结构化的,在做出决策之前,可以对现有的可用选项 进行正式分析,涉及对与可用选项相关因素的深入考虑。当决策非常重要,同时不确定性和/或复杂性水平较高时,可使用此类流程。 

• Other risk-based decision-making processes are less structured; here, simpler approaches are used to arrive at decisions, and they primarily make use of existing knowledge to support an assessment of hazards, risks and any required risk controls. Such processes might still be used when there is a high degree of importance associated with the decision, but the degree of uncertainty and/or complexity is lower.

  • 另一些基于风险的决策过程是较低结构化的流程,使用更简单的方法做出决策,它们主要利用现有知识支持对危害源、风险和任何必要的风险控制进行评估。当决策非常重要,但不确定性和/或复杂性较低时,仍可使用此类过程。 

• Decisions might also be made using rule-based (or standardized) approaches, which do not require a new risk assessment to make such decisions. This is where there are SOPs, policies or well understood requirements in place which determine what decisions must be made. Here, rules (or limits) may be in place which govern such decisions; these may be based on a previously obtained understanding of the relevant risks and they usually lead to predetermined actions and/or expected outcomes

  • 也可以使用基于规则(或标准化)的方法做出决策,这些方法不需要新的风险评估来做出此类决策,即在有 SOP、政策或充分理解需求的地方,就已经决定了必须做出何种决策。这时,可能要有规则(或限制)来管理这些决策,因为这些决定可能是基于以往对相关风险 的了解做出的,通常会指向预定的行动和/或预期结果。 

The above approaches to risk-based decision-making are beneficial because they address uncertainty through the use of knowledge, facilitating informed decisions by regulators and the pharmaceutical industry in a multitude of areas. They also help recognize where uncertainty remains, so that appropriate risk controls (including improved detection) may be identified to enhance understanding of those variables and further reduce the level of uncertainty.


5.3 Managing and Minimizing Subjectivity 

5.3 管理并最大程度地降低主观性


Subjectivity can impact every stage of a quality risk management process, especially the identification of hazards and the estimation of probability of occurrence and severity of harm. It can also impact the estimation of risk reduction and the effectiveness of decisions made from quality risk management activities.


Subjectivity can be introduced in quality risk management through differences in how risks are assessed and in how hazards, harms and risks are perceived by different stakeholders, (e.g., bias). Subjectivity can also be introduced when risk questions are inadequately defined, and when tools have poorly designed risk scoring scales.

质量风险管理中主观性来自于不同利益相关方对如何对风险进行评估,以及对危害源、危害和风险的认知的差异(例如,偏见)。主观性还会来自没有充分地定义风险问题以及使 用有设计缺陷的风险评分量表的工具。 

While subjectivity cannot be completely eliminated from quality risk management activities, it may be controlled by addressing bias and assumptions, the proper use of quality risk management tools and maximizing the use of relevant data and sources of knowledge (see ICH Q10, Section 1.6.1).

虽然不能从质量风险管理活动中完全消除主观性,但可以通过降低偏见和假设、正确使用质量风险管理工具和最大限度地运用相关数据和知识来源(见 ICH Q10,1.6.1 部分), 以控制主观性。 

All participants involved with quality risk management activities should acknowledge, anticipate, and address the potential for subjectivity.


6. Integration of quality risk management into industry and regulatory operations



Quality risk management is a process that supports science-based and practical decisions when integrated into quality systems (see Annex II). As outlined in the introduction, appropriate use of quality risk management does not obviate industry’s obligation to comply with regulatory requirements. However, effective quality risk management can facilitate better and more informed decisions, can provide regulators with greater assurance of a company’s ability to deal with potential risks, and might affect the extent and level of direct regulatory oversight. In addition, quality risk management can facilitate better use of resources by all parties.


Training of both industry and regulatory personnel in quality risk management processes provides for greater understanding of decision-making processes and builds confidence in quality risk management outcomes.


Quality risk management should be integrated into existing operations and documented appropriately. Annex II provides examples of situations in which the use of the quality risk management process might provide information that could then be used in a variety of pharmaceutical operations. These examples are provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a definitive or exhaustive list. These examples are not intended to create any new expectations beyond the requirements laid out in the current regulations.

质量风险管理应该与现有的运作和相应文件系统恰当整合。附录II 提供了一些用到质量风险管理过程状况的例子,其可对不同的药品运作提供信息。所提供的这些例子只是出于说明的目的,其不应该被认为是一个权威性的或详尽的列表。而且它们也没有试图建立任何新的超越当前管理文件中列出的要求的期望。

Examples for industry and regulatory operations (see Annex II):
Quality management.

  • 质量管理。

Examples for industry operations and activities (see Annex II):
• Development;
• Facility, equipment and utilities;
• Materials management;
• Production;
• Laboratory control and stability testing;
• Packaging and labeling.
• Supply chain control.

  • 研发; 
  • 厂房、设备和设施; 
  • 物料管理; 
  • 生产; 
  • 实验室控制和稳定性试验; 
  • 包装和贴签。 
  • 供应链控制。

Examples for regulatory operations (see Annex II):
• Inspection and assessment activities.

  • 检查与评估工作。

While regulatory decisions will continue to be taken on a regional basis, a common understanding and application of quality risk management principles could facilitate mutual confidence and promote more consistent decisions among regulators on the basis of the same information. This collaboration could be important in the development of policies and guidelines that integrate and support quality risk management practices.


6.1 The role of Quality Risk Management in Addressing Product Availability Risks Arising from Quality/Manufacturing Issues

6.1 质量风险管理在应对因质量/生产问题引起产品可及性风险中的作用 


Quality/manufacturing issues, including non-compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), are a significant cause of product availability issues (e.g., product shortages). The interests of patients are served by risk-based drug shortage prevention and mitigation activities that help to proactively manage supply chain complexities and ensure availability of needed drug (medicinal) products.


While manufacturing and supply chain diversity can be enablers of product availability, increasingly complex supply chains lead to interdependencies that can introduce systemic quality/manufacturing risks impacting supply chain robustness. The application of quality risk management enables the proactive identification and implementation of preventive measures that support product availability.


An effective pharmaceutical quality system drives both supply chain robustness and sustainable GMP compliance. The pharmaceutical quality system, including management responsibilities, also uses quality risk management and knowledge management to provide an early warning system that supports effective oversight and response to evolving quality/manufacturing risks from the pharmaceutical company or its external partners. When risk-based drug shortage prevention and mitigation activities are performed, the level of formality that is applied to those activities may vary (see Section 5.1) and should be commensurate with the level of risk associated with a loss of availability of the product(s).

有效的药品质量体系既可以促进供应链稳健性又可以促进 GMP 持续合规。制药质量体系,包括管理层职责,也会利用质量风险管理和知识管理提供早期预警系统,以支持对制药公司或其外部合作伙伴不断发展变化的质量/生产风险进行有效的监督和响应。在开展基于风险的药品短缺预防和缓解活动时,其正式程度可有所不同(见第 5.1 节)并应与失去产品可及性的相关风险级别相适应。 

Quality/manufacturing factors that can affect supply reliability, and hence product availability, include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Manufacturing Process Variability and State of Control:

Processes that exhibit excessive variability (e.g., process drift, non-uniformity) have capability gaps that can result in unpredictable outputs (e.g., quality, timeliness and yield) and consequently can adversely impact product availability. Quality risk management can help design monitoring systems that are capable of detecting departures from a state of control and deficiencies in manufacturing processes, so they can be investigated to address root causes.

b)  Manufacturing Facilities and Equipment:

A robust facility infrastructure can facilitate reliable supply; it includes suitable equipment and well-designed facilities for manufacturing (including packaging and testing). Robustness can be affected by multiple factors, such as an aging facility, insufficient maintenance or an operational design that is vulnerable to human error. Risks to supply can be reduced by addressing these factors, as well as through the use of modern technology, such as digitalization, automation, isolation technology, amongst others.

C)Oversight of Outsourced Activities and Suppliers: 

Quality system governance includes assuring the acceptability of supply chain partners over the product lifecycle. Approval and oversight of outsourced activities and material suppliers is informed by risk assessments, effective knowledge management, and an effective monitoring strategy for supply chain partner performance. A successful manufacturing partnership is strengthened by appropriate communication and collaboration mechanisms (See Section 2.7 of ICH Q10). When substantial variability is identified in the quality and safety of supplied materials or in the services provided, enhanced review and monitoring activities are justified. In some cases, it may be necessary to identify a new supply chain entity (e.g., a pre-qualified alternative option) to perform a function.
质量体系管理包括在产品生命周期中确保供应链合作伙伴的可接受性。通过风险评估、 有效的知识管理和有效的供应链合作伙伴绩效监控策略,对外包活动和物料供应商进行审批和监督。适宜的沟通和合作机制可以加强成功的生产合作伙伴关系。如发现所供应物料或所提供服务的质量和安全方面存在重大的变化时,则需要加强审核和监测工作(见 ICH Q10第 2.7 部分)。在某些情况下,可能需要寻找新的供应链实体(例如经过资质确认的备选选项)来完成某项职能。


Note that the guidance in Annex II.2, in relation to the application of quality risk management as part of Regulatory Operations, can be useful to consider in the context of product availability risks.

应注意在监管活动中应用质量风险管理时,可考虑采用附录 II.2 中的指南,有助于考虑产品可及性风险。

7. Definitions



Decision maker(s):
Person(s) with the competence and authority to make appropriate and timely quality risk management decisions.


The ability to discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of a hazard.


Damage to health, including the damage that can occur from loss of product quality or availability.


The potential source of harm (ISO/IEC Guide 51).

潜在的伤害来源(ISO/IEC 指南51)。

Product lifecycle:
All phases in the life of the product from the initial development through marketing until the product’s discontinuation.


The degree to which a set of inherent properties of a product, system or process fulfills requirements (see ICH Q6A definition specifically for "quality" of drug substance and drug (medicinal) products.)

对于一个产品,系统或过程实现需求的内在性质程度(见 ICH Q6A 原料药和制剂 (药品)中关于“质量”的具体定义。)

Quality risk management:
A systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the drug (medicinal) product across the product lifecycle.


Quality system:
The sum of all aspects of a system that implements quality policy and ensures that quality objectives are met.


The explicit or implicit needs or expectations of the patients or their surrogates (e.g., health care professionals, regulators and legislators). In this document, “requirements” refers not only to statutory, legislative, or regulatory requirements, but also to such needs and expectations.


The combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm (ISO/IEC Guide 51).

伤害发生的概率以及伤害的严重性的结合(ISO/EC 指南51)。

Risk acceptance:
The decision to accept risk (ISO Guide 73).

接受风险的决定(ISO 指南73)。

Risk analysis:
The estimation of the risk associated with the identified hazards.


Risk assessment:
A systematic process of organizing information to support a risk decision to be made within a risk management process. It consists of the identification of hazards and the analysis and evaluation of risks associated with exposure to those hazards.


Risk communication:
The sharing of information about risk and risk management between the decision maker and other stakeholders.


Risk control:
Actions implementing risk management decisions (ISO Guide 73).

实施风险管理决策的行动(ISO 指南73)。

Risk evaluation:
The comparison of the estimated risk to given risk criteria using a quantitative or qualitative scale to determine the significance of the risk.


Risk identification:
The systematic use of information to identify potential sources of harm (hazards) referring to the risk question or problem description.


Risk management:
The systematic application of quality management policies, procedures, and practices to the tasks of assessing, controlling, communicating and reviewing risk.


Risk reduction:
Actions taken to lessen the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.


Risk review:
Review or monitoring of output/results of the risk management process considering (if appropriate) new knowledge and experience about the risk.


A measure of the possible consequences of a hazard.


Any individual, group or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a risk. Decision makers might also be stakeholders. For the purposes of this guideline, the primary stakeholders are the patient, healthcare professional, regulatory authority, and industry.


A statistical term referring to the direction or rate of change of a variable(s).


8. References


ICH Q8 Pharmaceutical Development.
ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002 - Risk Management - Vocabulary - Guidelines for use in Standards.
ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 - Safety Aspects - Guideline for their inclusion in standards.
Process Mapping by the American Productivity & Quality Center, 2002, ISBN 1928593739.
IEC 61025 - Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).
IEC 60812 Analysis Techniques for system reliability—Procedures for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA).
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA from Theory to Execution, 2nd Edition 2003, D. H. Stamatis, ISBN 0873895983.
Guidelines for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Medical Devices, 2003 Dyadem Press, ISBN 0849319102.
The Basics of FMEA, Robin McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak, Michael R. Beauregard 1996, ISBN 0527763209.
WHO Technical Report Series No 908, 2003, Annex 7 Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) methodology to pharmaceuticals.
IEC 61882 - Hazard Operability Analysis (HAZOP).
ISO 14971:2000 - Application of Risk Management to Medical Devices.
ISO 7870:1993 - Control Charts.
ISO 7871:1997 - Cumulative Sum Charts.
ISO 7966:1993 - Acceptance Control Charts.
ISO 8258:1991 - Shewhart Control Charts.
What is Total Quality Control?; The Japanese Way, Kaoru Ishikawa (Translated by David J. Liu), 1985, ISBN 0139524339.

Annex I: risk management methods and tools



Some of the simple techniques that are commonly used to structure risk management by organizing data and facilitating decision-making are:
•Check Sheets;
• Process Mapping;
• Cause and Effect Diagrams (also called an Ishikawa diagram or fish bone diagram).

  • 流程图; 
  • 检查表; 
  • 过程流程图; 
  • 因果图(也称为石川图或鱼骨图)

I.2 Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) 



FMEA (see IEC 60812) provides for an evaluation of potential failure modes for processes and their likely effect on outcomes and/or product performance. Once failure modes are established, risk reduction can be used to eliminate, contain, reduce or control the potential failures. FMEA relies on product and process understanding. FMEA methodically breaks down the analysis of complex processes into manageable steps. It is a powerful tool for summarizing the important modes of failure, factors causing these failures and the likely effects of these failures.

故障模式效应分析(见IEC 60812)提供了一个评价过程潜在故障模式以及在输出和/或产品性能上的可能效应。一旦建立了故障模式,可以采用风险降低可以用于消除,包容,降低或控制潜在故障。故障模式效应分析依赖于对产品与过程的了解。故障模式效应分析有系统地将复杂过程分析方法分解为易操作的几个步骤。其对于汇总故障重要模式,引起这些故障的因素以及这些故障的可能的效应,是一个强有力的工具。

Potential Areas of Use(s)
FMEA can be used to prioritize risks and monitor the effectiveness of risk control activities.
FMEA can be applied to equipment and facilities and might be used to analyze a manufacturing operation and its effect on product or process. It identifies elements/operations within the system that render it vulnerable. The output/ results of FMEA can be used as a basis for design or further analysis or to guide resource deployment.


I.3 Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) 



FMEA might be extended to incorporate an investigation of the degree of severity of the consequences, their respective probabilities of occurrence, and their detectability, thereby becoming a Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA; see IEC 60812). In order for such an analysis to be performed, the product or process specifications should be established. FMECA can identify places where additional preventive actions might be appropriate to minimize risks.

故障模式效应分析可能会延伸用来整合成为一个对结果的严重程度的调查,它们各自发生的概率以及它们的可检测性,并且可能成为一个故障模式影响与严重性分析(FMECA;见IEC 60812)。为了进行这样一个分析,应该建立产品或过程规范。故障模式影响与严重性分析可以辨识在哪里应该有另外的预防措施以使风险最小化。

Potential Areas of Use(s)
FMECA application in the pharmaceutical industry should mostly be utilized for failures and risks associated with manufacturing processes; however, it is not limited to this application. The output of an FMECA is a relative risk “score” for each failure mode, which is used to rank the modes on a relative risk basis.


I.4 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 



The FTA tool (see IEC 61025) is an approach that assumes failure of the functionality of a product or process. This tool evaluates system (or sub-system) failures one at a time but can combine multiple causes of failure by identifying causal chains. The results are represented pictorially in the form of a tree of fault modes. At each level in the tree, combinations of fault modes are described with logical operators (AND, OR, etc.). FTA relies on the experts’ process understanding to identify causal factors.

故障树分析工具(见IEC 61026)是一个用来假设一个产品或过程功能性故障的方法。该工一次评价一个系统(或子系统)的故障,但可通过辨识因果链来合并引起故障的多种原因。它的结果是以故障类型树的形式以图表现出来。在该树的每个级,故障模式的结合是以逻辑算符(“与”门,“或”门等)来描述的。故障树分析依赖于专家对过程的了解以辨识原因因素。

Potential Areas of Use(s)
FTA can be used to establish the pathway to the root cause of the failure. FTA can be used to investigate complaints or deviations in order to fully understand their root cause and to ensure that intended improvements will fully resolve the issue and not lead to other issues (i.e. solve one problem yet cause a different problem). Fault Tree Analysis is an effective tool for evaluating how multiple factors affect a given issue. The output of an FTA includes a visual representation of failure modes. It is useful both for risk assessment and in developing monitoring programs.


I.5 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)



HACCP is a systematic, proactive, and preventive tool for assuring product quality, reliability, and safety (see WHO Technical Report Series No 908, 2003 Annex 7). It is a structured approach that applies technical and scientific principles to analyze, evaluate, prevent, and control the risk or adverse consequence(s) of hazard(s) due to the design, development, production, and use of products.

危害分析关键控制点是确保产品质量,可靠性及安全性的(见WTO WHO Technical Report Series No 908, 2003 Annex 7)系统的,前瞻的以及预防性的工具。它是一个结构性的方法,其通过采用技术和科学原则去分析,评价,预防和控制由于产品的设计,开发,生产和使用带来的风险或不利结果及危险因素。

HACCP consists of the following seven steps:
• conduct a hazard analysis and identify preventive measures for each step of the process;
• determine the critical control points;
• establish critical limits;
•establish a system to monitor the critical control points;
• establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that the critical control points are not in a state of control;
•establish system to verify that the HACCP system is working effectively;
• establish a record-keeping system.

  1. 对过程的每一步进行危险分析并辨识预防措施;
  2. 确定关键控制点;
  3. 建立关键限度;
  4. 建立一个监测关键控制点的监控体系;
  5. 建立当监测显示关键控制点并不在控制状态时应该采取的纠正措施;
  6. 建立证实危害分析关键控制点体系在有效运转的系统;
  7. 建立一个保持记录的系统。

Potential Areas of Use(s)
HACCP might be used to identify and manage risks associated with physical, chemical and biological hazards (including microbiological contamination). HACCP is most useful when product and process understanding is sufficiently comprehensive to support identification of critical control points. The output of a HACCP analysis is risk management information that facilitates monitoring of critical points not only in the manufacturing process but also in other life cycle phases.


I.6 Hazard Operability Analysis (HAZOP)

I.6 危害及可操作性分析(HAZOP)


HAZOP (see IEC 61882) is based on a theory that assumes that risk events are caused by deviations from the design or operating intentions. It is a systematic brainstorming technique for identifying hazards using so-called “guide-words”. “Guide-words” (e.g., No, More, Other Than, Part of, etc.) are applied to relevant parameters (e.g., contamination, temperature) to help identify potential deviations from normal use or design intentions. It often uses a team of people with expertise covering the design of the process or product and its application.

危害及可操作性分析(见IEC 61882)是基于这样一个理论基础,假定风险事件是与设计或操作意图之间的偏差造成。它是采用所谓的“引导词”来辨识危险因素的系统头脑风暴技术。“引导词”(如,否,更多,除了,部分等)被用在相关参数(如污染,温度)用来帮助辨识与正常使用或设计意图之间的潜在的偏差。它通常起用一组具有覆盖过程或产品设计及其应用等专门技术的人员。

Potential Areas of Use(s)
HAZOP can be applied to manufacturing processes, including outsourced production and formulation as well as the upstream suppliers, equipment and facilities for drug substances and drug (medicinal) products. It has also been used primarily in the pharmaceutical industry for evaluating process safety hazards. As is the case with HACCP, the output of a HAZOP analysis is a list of critical operations for risk management. This facilitates regular monitoring of critical points in the manufacturing process.

危害及可操作性分析可以应用于原料药和制剂产品制造过程,包括外部生产以及配方,同样上游的供应业界,设备和设施上。在制药界,它还被主要用于评价过程安全性的危险因素。与危害分析关键控制点类似, 危害及可操作性分析分析的输出也是风险管理的关键操作列表。它可以促进制造过程关键点的有规律的监测。

I.7 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 

I.7 预先危险分析(PHA)


PHA is a tool of analysis based on applying prior experience or knowledge of a hazard or failure to identify future hazards, hazardous situations and events that might cause harm, as well as to estimate their probability of occurrence for a given activity, facility, product or system. The tool consists of: 1) the identification of the possibilities that the risk event happens, 2) the qualitative evaluation of the extent of possible injury or damage to health that could result and 3) a relative ranking of the hazard using a combination of severity and likelihood of occurrence, and 4) the identification of possible remedial measures.


Potential Areas of Use(s)
PHA might be useful when analyzing existing systems or prioritizing hazards where circumstances prevent a more extensive technique from being used. It can be used for product, process and facility design as well as to evaluate the types of hazards for the general product type, then the product class, and finally the specific product. PHA is most commonly used early in the development of a project when there is little information on design details or operating procedures; thus, it will often be a precursor to further studies. Typically, hazards identified in the PHA are further assessed with other risk management tools such as those in this section.

预先危险分析在可以使用已经有技术,而无需使用更深入的技术的情况下对已有系统进行分析或对危险因素进行排序时,使用预先危险分析是很有用的。它可被应用于产品,过程与设施设计等方面,也可被用于评估通用类型产品,产品分类和具体的成品特殊产品的危险因素类型。当几乎没有设计或操作规程方面的信息时, 预先危险分析经常会被用于项目开发的早期阶段,因此,它经常作为进行进一步研究的铺垫。典型做法是,使用本章节中所描述的其它风险管理工具对用预先危险分析所确定的伤害进行进一步的评估。

I.8 Risk ranking and filtering

I.8 风险排序及过滤


Risk ranking and filtering is a tool for comparing and ranking risks. Risk ranking of complex systems typically requires evaluation of multiple diverse quantitative and qualitative factors for each risk. The tool involves breaking down a basic risk question into as many components as needed to capture factors involved in the risk. These factors are combined into a single relative risk score that can then be used for ranking risks. “Filters,” in the form of weighting factors or cut-offs for risk scores, can be used to scale or fit the risk ranking to management or policy objectives.


Potential Areas of Use(s)
Risk ranking and filtering can be used to prioritize manufacturing sites for inspection/audit by regulators or industry. Risk ranking methods are particularly helpful in situations in which the portfolio of risks and the underlying consequences to be managed are diverse and difficult to compare using a single tool. Risk ranking is useful when management needs to evaluate both quantitatively-assessed and qualitatively-assessed risks within the same organizational framework.


I.9 Supporting statistical tools

I.9 辅助性统计工具

Statistical tools can support and facilitate quality risk management. They can enable effective data assessment, aid in determining the significance of the data set(s), and facilitate more reliable decision making. A listing of some of the principal statistical tools commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry is provided:
  • Control Charts, for example:Acceptance Control Charts (see ISO 7966);Control Charts with Arithmetic Average and Warning Limits (see ISO 7873);Cumulative Sum Charts (see ISO 7871);Shewhart Control Charts (see ISO 8258);Weighted Moving Average.
  • Acceptance Control Charts (see ISO 7966);
  • Control Charts with Arithmetic Average and Warning Limits (see ISO 7873);
  • Cumulative Sum Charts (see ISO 7871);
  • Shewhart Control Charts (see ISO 8258);
  • Weighted Moving Average.
  • Design of Experiments (DOE);
  • Histograms;
  • Pareto Charts;
  • Process Capability Analysis.
  • 控制图,例如: 验收控制图(参见ISO 7870-3:2020); 累积和图(参见ISO7870-4:2021); 休哈特控制图(参见ISO7870-2:2013); 加权移动平均控制图。 
  • 验收控制图(参见ISO 7870-3:2020); 
  • 累积和图(参见ISO7870-4:2021); 
  • 休哈特控制图(参见ISO7870-2:2013); 
  • 加权移动平均控制图。 
  • 实验设计(DOE); 
  • 直方图; 
  • 帕累托图; 
  • 过程能力分析。

Annex II: Potential applications for quality risk management

附录 II: 实施质量风险管理的潜在机会


This Annex is intended to identify potential uses of quality risk management principles and tools by industry and regulators. However, the selection of particular risk management tools is completely dependent upon specific facts and circumstances.


These examples are provided for illustrative purposes and only suggest potential uses of quality risk management. This Annex is not intended to create any new expectations beyond the current regulatory requirements.


II.1 Quality risk management as part of integrated quality management

II.1 整合质量管理部分的质量风险管理


To review current interpretations and application of regulatory expectations;
To determine the desirability of and/or develop the content for SOPs, guidelines, etc.

决定对和/或开发SOP 内容,指南等需要等。

Training and education
To determine the appropriateness of initial and/or ongoing training sessions based on education, experience and working habits of staff, as well as on a periodic assessment of previous training (e.g., its effectiveness);
To identify the training, experience, qualifications and physical abilities that allow personnel to perform an operation reliably and with no adverse impact on the quality of the product.


Quality defects
To provide the basis for identifying, evaluating, and communicating the potential quality impact of a suspected quality defect, complaint, trend, deviation, investigation, out of specification result, etc;
To facilitate risk communications and determine appropriate action to address significant product defects, in conjunction with regulatory authorities (e.g., recall).

对所怀疑的质量缺陷,投诉,趋势,偏差,调查,OOS 结果等提供辨识,评价以及沟通所怀疑的质量缺陷的潜在质量影响,投诉,趋势,偏差,调查以及超标数据结果等的基础;

To define the frequency and scope of audits, both internal and external, taking into account factors such as:
• Existing legal requirements;
• Overall compliance status and history of the company or facility;
• Robustness of a company’s quality risk management activities;
• Complexity of the site;
• Complexity of the manufacturing process;
• Complexity of the product and its therapeutic significance;
• Number and significance of quality defects (e.g., recall);
• Results of previous audits/inspections;
• Major changes of building, equipment, processes, key personnel;
• Experience with manufacturing of a product (e.g., frequency, volume, number of batches);
• Test results of official control laboratories.

审计/ 检查
  • 现行法律要求; 
  • 公司或工厂整体的合规状态及历史; 
  • 公司质量风险管理活动的稳健性; 
  • 场地的复杂性; 
  • 生产工艺的复杂性; 
  • 产品的复杂性及其临床治疗意义; 
  • 质量缺陷(如召回)的数量及重要性; 
  • 以往的审计/检查结果; 
  • 建筑物、设备、工艺、关键人员的重大变更; 
  • 产品的生产经验(如频率、产量、批次); 
  • 官方药品检验机构的检测结果。

Periodic review
To select, evaluate and interpret trend results of data within the product quality review;
To interpret monitoring data (e.g., to support an assessment of the appropriateness of revalidation or changes in sampling).


Change management / change control
To manage changes based on knowledge and information accumulated in pharmaceutical development and during manufacturing;
To evaluate the impact of the changes on the availability of the final product;
To evaluate the impact on product quality of changes to the facility, equipment, material, manufacturing process or technical transfers;
To determine appropriate actions preceding the implementation of a change, e.g., additional testing, (re)qualification, (re)validation or communication with regulators.

变更管理/ 变更控制

Continual improvement
To facilitate continual improvement in processes throughout the product lifecycle.


II.2 Quality risk management as part of regulatory operations

II.2 药政操作部分的质量风险管理


Inspection and assessment activities
To assist with resource allocation including, for example, inspection planning and frequency, and inspection and assessment intensity (see "Auditing" section in Annex II.1);
To evaluate the significance of, for example, quality defects, potential recalls and inspectional findings;
To determine the appropriateness and type of post-inspection regulatory follow-up;
To evaluate information submitted by industry including pharmaceutical development information;
To evaluate impact of proposed variations or changes;
To identify risks which should be communicated between inspectors and assessors to facilitate better understanding of how risks can be or are controlled (e.g., parametric release, Process Analytical Technology (PAT)).

促进资源分配包括,例如,检查计划,频率和强度(见附录II.1 中的“审计”部分);

II.3 Quality risk management as part of development

II.3 开发部分的质量风险管理


To design a quality product and its manufacturing process to consistently deliver the intended performance of the product (see ICH Q8);
To enhance knowledge of product performance over a wide range of material attributes (e.g., particle size distribution, moisture content, flow properties), processing options and process parameters;
To assess the critical attributes of raw materials, solvents, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) starting materials, APIs, excipients, or packaging materials;
To establish appropriate specifications, identify critical process parameters and establish manufacturing controls (e.g., using information from pharmaceutical development studies regarding the clinical significance of quality attributes and the ability to control them during processing);
To decrease variability of quality attributes:
• reduce product and material defects;
• reduce manufacturing defects.
To assess the need for additional studies (e.g., bioequivalence, stability) relating to scale up and technology transfer;
To make use of the “design space” concept (see ICH Q8).

设计产品质量以及其制造工艺以便一贯地传递产品预期的性能(见ICH Q8);
对原材料,溶剂,活性药物中间体(API)-起始原料,API 本身的,赋形剂或包材的关键性质进行估计;
  • 减少产品及物料的缺陷;
  • 减少生产缺陷。
使用“设计空间”的概念(见ICH Q8)。

II.4 Quality risk management for facilities, equipment and utilities

II.4 厂房,设备和公用设施的质量风险管理


Design of facility / equipment
To determine appropriate zones when designing buildings and facilities, e.g.,
• flow of material and personnel;
• minimize contamination;
• pest control measures;
• prevention of mix-ups;
• open versus closed equipment;
• clean rooms versus isolator technologies;
• dedicated or segregated facilities / equipment.
To determine appropriate product contact materials for equipment and containers (e.g., selection of stainless steel grade, gaskets, lubricants);
To determine appropriate utilities (e.g., steam, gases, power source, compressed air, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), water);
To determine appropriate preventive maintenance for associated equipment (e.g., inventory of necessary spare parts).

厂房/ 设备的设计
  • 人流和物流;
  • 污染最小化;
  • 虫害控制措施;
  • 防止混淆;
  • 开放式设备相对于密闭式设备;
  • 洁净室相对于隔离器技术;
  • 专用的或区隔的厂房设施、设备。

Hygiene aspects in facilities
To protect the product from environmental hazards, including chemical, microbiological, and physical hazards (e.g., determining appropriate clothing and gowning, hygiene concerns);
To protect the environment (e.g., personnel, potential for cross-contamination) from hazards related to the product being manufactured.


Qualification of facility/equipment/utilities
To determine the scope and extent of qualification of facilities, buildings, and production equipment and/or laboratory instruments (including proper calibration methods).


Cleaning of equipment and environmental control
To differentiate efforts and decisions based on the intended use (e.g., multi- versus single-purpose, batch versus continuous production);
To determine acceptable (specified) cleaning validation limits.


Calibration/preventive maintenance
To set appropriate calibration and maintenance schedules.


Computer systems and computer controlled equipment
To select the design of computer hardware and software (e.g., modular, structured, fault tolerance);
To determine the extent of validation, e.g.,
• identification of critical performance parameters;
• selection of the requirements and design;
• code review;
• the extent of testing and test methods;
• reliability of electronic records and signatures.

  • 关键性能参数的识别; 
  • 要求与设计的选择; 
  • 源代码的审核; 
  • 测试程度和测试方法; 
  • 电子记录及电子签名的可靠性。

II.5 Quality risk management as part of materials management

II.5 物料管理部分的质量风险管理


Assessment and evaluation of suppliers and contract manufacturers
To provide a comprehensive evaluation of suppliers and contract manufacturers (e.g., auditing, supplier quality agreements).


Starting material
To assess differences and possible quality risks associated with variability in starting materials (e.g., age, route of synthesis).


Use of materials
To determine whether it is appropriate to use material under quarantine (e.g., for further internal processing);
To determine appropriateness of reprocessing, reworking, use of returned goods.


Storage, logistics and distribution conditions
To assess the adequacy of arrangements to ensure maintenance of appropriate storage and transport conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, container design);
To determine the effect on product quality of discrepancies in storage or transport conditions (e.g., cold chain management) in conjunction with other ICH guidelines;
To maintain infrastructure (e.g., capacity to ensure proper shipping conditions, interim storage, handling of hazardous materials and controlled substances, customs clearance);
To provide information for ensuring the availability of pharmaceuticals (e.g., ranking risks to the supply chain).

测定在不同于ICH 其它指南规定的储存和运输条件对产品质量的影响(例如,冷链管理);

II.6 Quality risk management as part of production

II.6 生产部分的质量风险管理


To identify the scope and extent of verification, qualification and validation activities (e.g., analytical methods, processes, equipment and cleaning methods;
To determine the extent for follow-up activities (e.g., sampling, monitoring and re-validation);
To distinguish between critical and non-critical process steps to facilitate design of a validation study.


In-process sampling & testing
To evaluate the frequency and extent of in-process control testing (e.g., to justify reduced testing under conditions of proven control);
To evaluate and justify the use of process analytical technologies (PAT) in conjunction with parametric and real time release.


Production planning
To determine appropriate production planning (e.g., dedicated, campaign and concurrent production process sequences).


II.7 Quality risk management as part of laboratory control and stability studies

II.7 实验室控制和稳定性研究部分的质量风险管理


Out of specification results
To identify potential root causes and corrective actions during the investigation of out of specification results.


Retest period / expiration date
To evaluate adequacy of storage and testing of intermediates, excipients and starting materials.


II.8 Quality risk management as part of packaging and labelling

II.8 包装和标签部分的质量风险管理


Design of packages
To design the secondary package for the protection of primary packaged product (e.g., to ensure product authenticity, label legibility).


Selection of container closure system
To determine the critical parameters of the container closure system.


Label controls
To design label control procedures based on the potential for mix-ups involving different product labels, including different versions of the same label.


II.9 Quality Risk Management as Part of Supply Chain Control 

II.9 供应链控制中的质量风险管理 


With regard to product availability risks related to quality/manufacturing issues, product lifecycle oversight of the supply chain includes maintaining current knowledge of quality/manufacturing hazards and prioritizing efforts to manage such risks. Understanding hazards to quality/manufacturing is critical to maintaining supply predictability. When risks are well understood and controlled, a higher confidence in product availability can be attained.

关于质量/生产问题相关的产品可及性风险,在供应链的产品生命周期监督中包括维持对 质量/生产危害源当前知识的了解,以及确定管理此类风险的工作优先级。了解质量/生产的危害源对维持供应预测性是非常关键的。在充分理解并控制了风险之后,可对保持产品可及 性更具信心。 

Manufacturing Process Variation and State of Control


To decrease variability in the manufacturing process (e.g., process drift, non-uniformity) and associated capability gaps that can result in unpredictable outputs, adversely impact quality and consequently timeliness, yield and product availability;


To design monitoring systems that are capable of detecting departures from a state of control and deficiencies in manufacturing processes, so they can be appropriately investigated to determine root causes and any required risk mitigations.

设计出能够检测控制状态偏离和生产工艺缺陷的监控系统,以便对这些变化进行适当调 查,以确定根本原因和任何所需的风险降低措施。 

Manufacturing Facilities and Equipment


To ensure that facility infrastructure and equipment are suitable and designed for robust manufacturing (this includes packaging and testing) (see Annex II.4);

确保厂房的基础设施和设备对稳健的生产(包括包装和测试)而言是适宜且经过良好设 计的(见附录II.4);

To establish facility and equipment maintenance programmes that assure reliable facility and equipment performance;


To ensure that the operational design of equipment is not vulnerable to human error;


To obtain quality and efficiency gains through the utilization of digitalization, automation, isolation technology, and other innovations.  


Supplier Oversight and Relationships


To enhance review and monitoring activities (see Section 2.7 of ICH Q10) when substantial 24ICH Q9(R1) Guideline variability is identified in the quality and safety of supplied materials or in the services provided.

当发现在所供应物料或所提供服务的质量和安全方面存在重大变化时,应加强审核和监控工作(见 ICH Q10 第 2.7 部分)。

To manage external product availability risks relating to quality/manufacturing, (e.g., from raw material suppliers, contracted organizations, service providers, etc.)  
